Sunday, March 25, 2012


A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. - Irish Proverb

The "secret" to living a full-filling life - one in which you discover and live your highest potential - is to find humor in everything.  The sound of your own voice in joy resonates throughout your being and restores balance to your entire energetic system.  Imagine that your body is a musical instrument and laughter is what keeps it in tune.  The key to enlightenment, to perfect health, is laughing aloud.  Laughter oxygenates the system, and instructs it to release "feel good" endorphins.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Seek Out Joy

Western culture has emphasized the development of the mind to the detriment of the heart.  Through conditioning you have come to honor the intellect to the exclusion of the heart.  It is the COMBINATION of thought and feeling that creates your experiences in the world, so it becomes imperative that you honor both.  Do not judge or label your feelings as right or wrong.  Feelings are natural responses to stimuli.  Laugh out loud when you are tickled and cry when you are moved to tears.  These are energetic releases that bring you back into balance.
Seek out joyful experiences:  a desert sunset, a river walk, a musical, a bubble bath.  Surround yourself with people and immerse yourself in environments that are life enhancing.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nurturing Self

You can begin by nurturing yourself.  Become self-centered.  By that we mean CENTERED IN SELF, not to be confused with selfish.  CENTERED IN SELF is to be unconditionally loving and accepting of self and others.  To know in your heart that you are good enough and that you don't need to look outside yourself to be convinced.  Your very existence is proof enough.  You are a divine child of THE DIVINE!

Friday, December 30, 2011


Meditation is a powerful tool that will assist in making a shift.  Chakra meditation is particularly effective as it balances the entire energetic system.
Meditations and reflections that center on gratitude and appreciation assist in opening the Heart Chakra.  Many have closed off due to events in their past that they deem "hurtful".  Rather than express the hurt, the feeling has been suppressed and the chakra becomes distorted.  Physical illness then becomes apparent as the block in the energy flow to and from the heart causes disturbances.  Breast cancer and heart attacks are two manifestations of Heart Chakra imbalances.  These attention getters are requests to restore balance to the system.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Celebrating Christ

Jesus was an exemplary model of a human who was heart centered.  He was called the "Sacred Heart" because he reflected love, compassion and forgiveness.  He demonstrated how to shift from the Solar Plexus Chakra to the Heart Chakra by surrendering His will to that of the Divine.  Surrender and allow.  Living from the Solar Plexus, humankind has been action oriented and outward focused.  Exorbitant amounts of time and money have been spent exploring the outer world, on and off the planet.  The shift to the Heart Chakra requires a shift in attention to the inner world.  Instead of "doing" the focus becomes "being".  Instead of "divide and conquer", the motto becomes "surrender and unite".

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Heart Chakra

Living your passion means living in your heart.  At this most momentous time in your history, you are, as a species, evolving into the heart chakra.  Moving from the solar plexus chakra that governs will, determination and personal power requires a major energetic shift.  The heart chakra is the center of seven energy vortexes in the physical body.  It is the focal point, integrating the three chakras below and the three above.  It is the bridge between the physical and spiritual.  When you live in your heart you have the best of both worlds.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Living Your Passion

Each of you has incarnated with a particular spiritual goal.  From the parents you choose, to the environment that nurtures your growth, all experiences support this spiritual understanding.  To remember your spiritual destination, recall what your were passionate about as a child.  What fascinated and delighted you?  If time, money and obligation did not restrict you, who would you be?