Thursday, October 27, 2011

Divine Intelligence

Examine the outcroppings of your inner thoughts by noting your environment and the people in it.  Recognize that they are projections of your inner thoughts and emotions.  Are the people and places "life enhancing"?  Are you filled with joy and contentment, peace and love?  If not, your inner landscaping needs pruning.  Accessing the subconscious where many of the limiting beliefs are stored is necessary.  There are many tools that will allow entry into the subconscious realm:  meditation, hypnosis, dreams to name a few.  Addressing the wise, knowing, intuitive part of you may give you insight.  Ask for Divine guidance and then listen for a response.  Divine Intelligence is in constant communication but the majority of time you are not listening.  Answers may appear on a billboard, a license plate, in a book, or in a conversation with a friend.  Synchronicities are often God's exclamation points to make sure you have received and recognized the message.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Action Speaks Louder than Words

You can only see what you believe, nothing else is possible.
-Byron  Katie

The first course of action is to set your intention, for energy follows thought.  Because you are beings designed with free will we cannot intervene unless asked.  "ASK and you shall receive."  Set your intention for the highest and best good of all concerned and ask to be guided.  Do not have expectations about how your requests will be fulfilled.  Trust in Divine Providence.  Recall the words "In My Name, all things are possible."  The only hindrances are your own limited beliefs.  To experience something, you must first believe it is possible.  Challenge the thoughts that prevent you from experiencing what you desire.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


When each individual is able to express his/her divine self, each will be in alignment with his/her soul expression.  When each individual is fully expressing his or her divine purpose, there will be peace on earth.
There have been many who have walked among you dispersing pearls of wisdom in an effort to help humanity evolve.  Unfortunately, their messages have been distorted or ignored.  Our greatest hope is that you will literally "take to heart" our message and put it into action.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Master Teachers

You find yourself at a precarious moment in history - one where continued fear based decision-making will lead to catastrophic events.  Our wish is to change that, one thought at a time.  We have enlisted the help of many spiritual beings some of whom you have recognized as "Masters".  Our hope is that you will come to understand that these "Masters" all delivered the SAME message from the SAME Source.  Rather than segregate humankind and cause wars based on religious differences, our intent is help souls unite in the understanding that the One Source to whom they all pray is actually the same.  And that each individual is a unique expression of the One Source.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


PEACE.  It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still BE CALM IN YOUR HEART. - unknown

Our most immediate concern is for your well-being and that of your planet.  When you truly understand and embrace the thought that WE ARE ALL ONE, you will make choices that serve the good of all.  It is the intent of THE GOLDEN RULE:  Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.  If you were to base every decision using this standard you would live on a peaceful planet.  The majority of your decisions however, are fear based which result in less than optimal outcomes.  The consequences of thoughts like "there is not enough" are dire.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Graduation Gifts

Remember that as you begin to change on the inside, your outside world will reflect it. That may require letting go of people, places and things that are no longer in alignment. View these "losses" as graduation gifts, marking your progress and opening the door to new beginnings. Bless these past experiences for they have delivered you to your present state of being. Each encounter has provided you with an understanding of yourself. It is our intention that this current journey will expand that understanding.