Friday, September 23, 2011


"Absolute beliefs prevent us from responding creatively. Our beliefs should never be so absolute that we can't move beyond them, recreate them or see them from another perspective."
- David C. Paladin

We would like to thank you the reader for opening your mind and heart to this experience. Our desire is to impart information that may be helpful and healing. Our mission is to uplift, inspire and effect tangible change in your world. You are on the precipice of immense transformation, both personally and planetarily and we wish to accompany you on this journey. Our role is one of guides, assisting when asked, to shed light on certain conditions created by limiting thoughts. Your challenge, should you accept it, is to question your thinking, examine your beliefs and replace those that do not bring you peace, love and joy with thoughts that do.
Sounds simple but our experience with souls who have embarked on this adventure is that it is not easy.
The first understanding that will aid you in this process is that
YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS! So when your thinking is challenged do not become defensive. Be willing to question everything. Nothing is sacred or off limits.


  1. I hear you. As in, welcome 2012 with open mind and open heart--good things can and will happen. Thank you for your communications. They are invaluable to me and integral to the progress and what I expect will be the lasting success of "The Episodes." Ariel and the fairies and I all thank you--infinitely.

  2. Thank you Catherine and thank you Council of Twelve. Since July of this year I have been on "my journey", it is unbelievable (even to me) the changes that have manifested. Thanks for inviting me to this blog - I know I will only benefit from the reinforcement along my journey.

  3. Thank you Catherine and Thank you the Council of Twelve for inviting me to this blog. I am absolutely thrilled to be included in this communication. I have 'talked' to the Council of Twelve in the past few months and at times can actually 'feel' their presence. Look forward to the Love and Support as I embark on my journey to find my true voice and my path to spiritual enlightenment!
