Monday, September 19, 2011

Good, Good, Good, Good Vibrations

Welcome to our world ... a plane of existence where there is nothing and everything simultaneously.  Our agreement with the one calling herself Catherine is to counsel when consulted.  We would be delighted to share our perspective with you as well.  Our only request is that you have a sense of humor for it is through laughter that your vibration or frequency is elevated.  Our purpose to to accompany you on your journey of self-actualization, providing support, encouragement, joy and foremost LOVE.  Let the Good Times Roll!
-Council of Twelve


  1. I am interested to see where this goes, goes, goes goes...

  2. Thank you Council, for bringing your wisdom, insight, encouragement and laughter. You make life better.

    Thank you, Catherine for always being such a willing instrument of information, knowledge, growing and love. Looking forward to more enjoyable rides together on our bicycle:)

  3. I love it and very impressed that it took cosmic influence to make you "tech savvy". Bravo!!

    Looking forward to more from C12

  4. Wonderful to join you and the Council of 12 in blog. I look forward to it.
